Acupressure for Stress Relief
(self-help/self-care workshop)
Learn key Acupressure Points for yourself, your family, or for in your practice with Clients. Learn 5 "Sets or "Cycles" of specific Acupressure Points found all over the body. Use these when: in pain, stressed, anxious, panicked, etc., to help relieve these feelings.
From Our Clients
Have you ever felt "stuck" or in a rut? Have you done those genetic tests to see "what's in store" for your future according to disease and health problems? For most people, in aging, there is an increase in aches, and pain and the emotional stresses over the years seem to surmount us. But... Your DNA is NOT your Destiny. As research has shown shown, they've found our genes have the ability to change up to 65%! You can change how you feel physically and emotionally! Learn these Acupressure Healing Cycles - Changing you from a Victim into a Victor of your own health and vitality!
This in an 6-7 hr Workshop (2.5 hrs of Online video and written instruction, the rest is personal practice time). You will have access the online videos and instruction for 45 days to complete during your own pace and schedule. You will learn specific Acupressure points and methods that takes the guesswork out of how to do them and how long to press/hold them to get results. You will also learn how to ascertain which emotions have an underlying connection. We learn how to get to the base of the issue and release it fully. It is 1 day worth of Instruction that will benefit you for the rest of your life. You can use these Healing Cycles over and over again and you will see the results Mentally, Emotionally and Physically!
1) Requires: One Workbook in addition to this Workshop. (printed or ebook - $47.) There is a link in the Chapter 'Your WorkShop Manuel' to directly purchase either version.
2) It is recommended to set aside time with no distractions to understand the information and as you begin to apply it. You do not need to memorize it. It is also recommended to have a notepad and pen or device to take notes.
3) Once you have completed the Workshop and read the Workbook, you can attend the (free) 1 hour group discussion/question period to clarify anything you need from the Workshop and to receive your Certificate of Completion. (You may purchase a one-on-one session instead, if you prefer). This is to show the instructor that you know and fully comprehend how to do the Cycles safely, properly and effectively. You may then work on yourself, your family, friends and clients etc. ( You may not teach at this level of Certification.)
Britanny Croteau